Originally mostly played by girls and a lot of the rhymes reflect this. However, there are lots of rhymes which can be played by both boys and girls and skipping is a great way of excerising !
A minimum of three children are needed. Two children are the enders and it is their job to turn the ropes.
Techniques : 'Wavey' : moving the rope in a side to side motion.
'Cawing' : Moving wrist in a circular motion so that the rope moves up and over round and
The skippers skip in turns until one makes a mistake. This person then becomes an ender and the game continues. Some games end in counting or saying the alphabet. This time the child with the lowest score bcomes an ender. I found this internet site which seems useful in explaining skipping and has lots of rhymes :
skip-hop.co.uk. Go to the site map for the index and click on skipping rhymes or learn more about skipping with information on techniques.